Monday, February 27, 2012

Just My Type: A Book About Fonts - Simon Garfield

I have been fascinated with letter forms and fonts since I was a wee lad. Later, in 1984, I purchased a Macintosh - likely the ability to render WYSIWYG fonts had something to do with the purchase decision. This books explains the history of font design, introduces to us to many of the creators. It was quite an education for me; I didn't realize the many of the popular 'modern' fonts date back to the 1920s. Highly recommended if you have an interest in fonts and/or print design in general.


Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World - Michael Lewis

An entertaining and educational tour of some of the countries that were amongst the first to publicly feel the hurt of the debt crisis.  The economies of Iceland, Ireland, Greece, and Germany amongst those discussed.  The sidebar discussion with Michael's German driver is icing on the cake. Highly recommended.
